Find a doctor
Getting you the care you need
Use our provider search tool to find doctors, pharmacies and other providers that work with our plan. You can search by provider name, city and state, or specialty.
A few types of providers you’ll find include:
- Primary Care Provider (PCP)
- Specialist
- Hospital
- Facility
- Behavioral Health
- Laboratory
Amerigroup District of Columbia, Inc. provides your pharmacy benefits through CarelonRx. We cover a wide range of prescription drugs and over-the-counter medicines. There are no copays for covered prescriptions.
Find a PharmacyPharmacy Enrollee Services: 833-214-3604 (TTY 711)
Help for pharmacists: 833-235-2029
Dental and Vision
Amerigroup DC enrollees in the District of Columbia receive routine vision services through Avesis. You don’t need a referral for vision care. For help finding a plan eye doctor, call Avesis toll-free at 833-554-1012 (TTY 711) or go to the Avesis website. Use Your Amerigroup DC identification (ID) number to log in to their website.
Go to AvesisProvider Directory
DC Medicaid Provider DirectoryDC Medicaid Provider Directory - Machine Readable
Amerigroup D.C. is proud to reaffirm its partnership with Medical Faculty Associates and its high-quality network of providers to continue to offer our enrollees their full range of health services.
Need to talk to a doctor or nurse? Learn More

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